The true-life drama that had audiences cheering, Walking Tall (1973) follows Tennessee sheriff Buford Pusser's (Joe Don Baker) one-man campaign against crime and corruption in his town, a crusade that turns personal when his wife is killed. Elizabeth Hartman, Gene Evans, Noah Beery, Jr., and Leif Garrett co-star. Bo Svenson takes over the role of the bat-wielding lawman (Pusser, who died before filming, was to play himself), putting his life on the line to battle mobsters and moonshiners, in Walking Tall, Part 2 (1975), with Beery, Garrett, Luke Askew. AKA: "Part 2: Walking Tall." And the saga reaches it's explosive climax in Final Chapter: Walking Tall (1977), as Pusser's war on crime makes him a national celebrity and puts him at odds with the mob and local officials. Svenson, Garrett, Bruce Glover star. AKA: "Walking Tall: The Final Chapter." 5 3/4 hrs. Total on three discs. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English. Region Free
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