Ken Burns' sweeping, moving documentary project chronicles World War II with rare intimacy and power. Featuring the personal accounts of men and women from four different American towns, the series...
Over a decade in the making, this exhaustive and compelling consideration of America's most divisive foreign military conflict from Ken Burns and Lynn Novick tells the story primarily from the...
As the Nazi regime systematically killed six million European Jews over the first half of the '40s, was America oblivious... or aware, but simply didn't care? Neither answer's correct, and this...
From Ken Burns, creator of the acclaimed series "The Civil War," comes a monumental look at America's pastime. Chronicling the history of the sport from it's genesis in the early 1800s to the modern...
What starts out as a harmless prank turns into a terrible tragedy when the caretaker at a summer camp winds up horrifically burned. Permanently disfigured, he returns to the campgrounds seeking...