Born from the creative vision of filmmaker Zack Snyder (WATCHMEN, 300), this epic action fantasy launches from the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides the ultimate escape...
An average family is thrust into the spotlight after the father (Viggo Mortensen) commits a seemingly self-defense murder at his diner. Actors: Ashton Holmes., Ed Harris, Maria Bello, Peter MacNeill,...
Daniel Benzali stars as Reggie, a pit bull of a car salesman who trains his crew to bilk customers out of as much cash as possible. Bobby DeLuca (Louis Mandylor) gets pressure from his wife (Lori...
One of a kind DVD showcases not only fifteen years of Onyx's music videos, but never before seen footage of live shows, studio sessions, record signings, music video shoots, personal moments and...
One hundred years after Bram Stoker's Dracula, comes a new kind of Vampire story. Anthony (Yan Birch) is a modern bloodsucker who uses his popular rock band as a front to lure beautiful, young...