THE WEDDING VEIL (2022) The first installment of a new trilogy follows three longtime college friends who discover a mysterious, antique veil fabled to unite it's bearer with her true love. After...
Includes: The Wedding Veil (2022)Shopping in San Francisco, three grad school gal pals-Boston museum curator Avery (Lacey Chabert), Chicago professor Emma (Autumn Reeser), and NYC auction appraiser...
As they encounter pitfalls while renovating their dream house, new marrieds Avery (Lacey Chabert) and Peter (Kevin McGarry) also find themselves juggling new challenges with family and the...
While Emma (Autumn Reeser) has long eyed the chair of her faculty department, it's no certain thing that soon-retiring boss Nancy (Lynda Boyd) will give her the nod. Throw in the fact that new...
With Tracy (Alison Sweeney) and Nick (Victor Webster) both swamped with work at the auction house and the restaurants, they opt to rebound by having their long-deferred honeymoon in Greece. Rerouted...