Four Long Island friends follow in their respective families' footsteps and become clam diggers in this touching comedy. Director Katherine Dieckmann Star Lauren Ambrose, Ron Eldard, Josh Hamilton...
For rural rancher Nikitas (Vangelis Mourikis), life was challenging enough refusing to sell out as local mining rendered his humble parcel barren little by little... but then his long-estranged son...
Maura Prince (Patricia Neal) leads a lonely life in a dilapidated country mansion, sensing the world is passing her by as she cares for the demanding, invalid mother (Pamela Brown) who adopted her...
Wealthy and recently divorced Julia Day (Julia Ormond) wasn't looking to be swept off her feet by the handsome and half-her-age Benjamin Greene (Ben Barnes), but it happened. The situation doesn't...
What's a chorine to do after her show flops? Become a gold digger! The cuties do so en masse as the Gold Diggers of 1937, kicking Depression Era blues in the keister. Dick Powell plays an insurance...