Composing his music to be played by amateur musicians, Tori Kudo, the enigmatic conductor of Maher Shalal Hash Baz, has been called "The Master of Mistake". on this release, he's a wickedly inspired...
Japanese version includes a bonus disc. 2009.1. Paris, Pt. 1 2. Paris, Pt. 2 3. Paris, Pt. 3 4. Paris, Pt. 4 5. [Untranslated] 6. Good-Bye Lili 7. [Untranslated] 8. [Untranslated] 9. [Untranslated]...
1. Toon City 2. Harvest Bag 3. Courtin' Love 4. Mizu Tori Kudo 5. Invade the Pitch 6. Piano Rolls 7. Hack 8. Effective Demand 9. Mizu Tori 10. Different Pans
John Coltrane's all-star jazz session In the Winner's Circle was recorded in New York in September and October of 1957 and features the musicians who came first or second in Down Beat's critics' poll...
A quick glance at the r?sum?s of Hash Redactor's members might seed certain expectations. The band is fronted by guitarist Alec McIntyre of Ex-Cult, with NOTS rhythm warriors Meredith Lones on bass...