Embark on an unforgettable acoustic journey with the legendary Doc Watson, a true icon of American folk and bluegrass music. Celebrated for his exceptional guitar picking skills and heartfelt...
Writer-director Peter Bogdanovich's salute to the screwball comedies of the '30s and '40s is set in San Francisco and revolves around four identical plaid overnight bags and the chaos that ensues...
Arriving on a stretcher, intimately attached to a naked young lady, is not the best way for a new doctor to report for his first hospital duty - especially when she's the daughter of the new boss!...
HAMLET 2's Steve Coogan makes a departure from traditional comedy with this drama set in the days before the launch of the Challenger shuttle. The British actor stars as Campbell Babbitt, a...
Tarring Harry H. Corbett, Christopher Mitchell, Melvyn Hayes, Julia Goodman, Mary Millington, Bill Pertwee, Angela Grant, Chic Murray, Beth Porter, Sheila Steafel, Hughie Green, Ronnie Brody, Maria...