An unexpected love triangle, a failed seduction, and a chance encounter with the past. Propelled by coincidence and imagination, and guided by love's gentle current, acclaimed director Ryusuke...
2012 two CD collection. Often called the Wheel of Fortune Girl, Sunny Gale was the first to bring this enormous hit song to the world. Hit songs include, in addition to the above: "Smile";...
An unexpected love triangle, a failed seduction, and a chance encounter with the past. Propelled by coincidence and imagination, and guided by love's gentle current, acclaimed director Ryusuke...
Former Pentangle guitarist John Renbourn performing live in 1993 with former Incredible String Band member Robin Williamson. Originally released in '94, this CD features 12 tracks including 'Lights...
Sunny Gale - Wheel Of Fortune: The Singles Collection 1952-61 - Sunny Gale was one of the vivacious and talented girl singers to come to the fore on the US music scene during the early '50s. She took...