Where She Lies tells the gripping true story of an assaulted teen, Peggy Phillips, who gives birth out of wedlock in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1962. Upon giving birth, Peggy receives conflicting...
Robert Redford and Cate Blanchett star in TRUTH, based on a riveting true story of one of network news' biggest scandals. As a renowned producer and close associate of Dan Rather (Redford), Mary...
This DVD magazine features Dope Boi Chronicles, Blood Raw vs. U.S., Yo Gotti, Lil Wayne, Snitch Killaz, H.B. Da Great, Slick Pulla, M.O.S., and Bad Habit. This title carries a parental advisory.
Four coeds from snowbound Penmore U. know that the only place to be during Spring Break is Where the Boys Are. The rites (and wrongs) of the spring migration of thousands of college students to sunny...
Yesterday, Dr. Jason Love was an English country physician. Now he's an international agent with all the gadgetry a spy could want: a signal emitting dental insert, a pen that injects poison,...