Self-recorded in an airplane hangar in rural Alaska during a pandemic exile, 2021's "Second Wave" delivered the story of a group of young musicians using exceptional circumstances to create personal...
Originally released in 2007 and never reissued, Earthshine is Solar Fields trance album. On his fifth studio record, Magnus Birgersson took a detour and explored the nooks of psytrance music,...
Avantgarde Dark Metal from Sweden, featuring members of ARMAGEDDA (rip) and BERGRAVEN. This unconventional brainchild out of Sweden still borrows from the Black Metal range it's members bring with...
Hypnosphere - Within The Whirl (Spheric Music SMCD 4003) If you want to go on an atmospherically hypnotizing trip of Berlin School/Ambient, this album is for you! SPHERIC MUSIC presents a new...
Hersch,Fred Whirl CD1. You're My Everything 2. Snow Is Falling 3. Blue Midnight 4. Skipping 5. Mandevilla 6. When Your Lover Has Gone 7. Whirl 8. Sad Poet 9. Mrs. Parker of K.C 10. Still Here