This atmospheric and harrowing British drama features an acclaimed performance from Edith Evans as a poverty-stricken elderly woman living alone in a rundown apartment. As she struggles with mental...
Alan Ladd, Robert Preston. A soft-spoken railroad detective in the Old West is the target for a gang of train robbers who nearly kill him and leave him for dead. But the cagey cop is found by a...
Milton Berle, Brenda Joyce, John Carradine. A successful radio show detective agrees to a publicity stunt which involves solving a real-life, decade-old unsolved murder of a sea captain. But when he...
Just before his sudden death, a businessman accuses his son-in-law of embezzlement. His daughter is convinced of her fianc?e's innocence and tries to clear his name and unmask the real villain and is...
Robert Redford directed himself for the first time in this romantic drama adapted from Nicholas Evens' 1995 best-selling novel. A young teen, Grace Maclean, played by Scarlett Johnasson, is...