1. Farmyard Cabaret 2. Lucky Jim 3. You Don't Like It-Not Much 4. They All Walk the Wibbly Wobbly Walk 5. I Go So Far with Sophie (And Sophie Goes So Far with Me) 6. They're Parking Camels Where the Taxis Used to Be 7. My Dead Dog Rover 8. When Ragtime Rosie Ragged the Rosary 9. At the Vicarage Party 10. You've Got to Show It to Mother (Before You Can Show It to Me) 11. Storybook Farm 12. Is Izzy Azzy Wozz? 13. On the Pier 14. Wurzel Fudge-The Village Idiot 15. Masculine Women! Feminine Men! 16. Oh! What a Beauty! 17. Till You Come Home 18. Charlie's a Cripple (You Know) 19. They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun' 20. Roots 21. (I'm Gonna) Eat You Up 22. Friend of a Friend of Mine 23. My Girl's Pussy 24. Life's Not All That Bad, Is It?