Hong Kong Blu-ray/Region A pressing. Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin / Synopsis: In the twilight of the Ming Dynasty, the Imperial court is plagued by corruption as tyrants rule over the land. With...
What do you get when Noriaki Yuasa, director of Daiei Studios' much-beloved Gamera series, makes a monochrome film adaptation of the works of horror manga pioneer Kazuo Umezu (The Drifting...
From Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to The Wizard of Oz, many classic tales through the centuries wouldn't be half as exciting without the devious doings of a witch. Now add another to the venerable...
A devoutly Christian family in 1630s New England, struggles to survive living along the edge of a vast wilderness. When one of their live children goes missing and their life-sustaining crops fail,...