Light Upon The Lake - Ascendant Chicago band Whitney have announced their debut album, Light Upon the Lake, due out June 3rd on Secretly Canadian. This follows on the heels of recent inescapable...
Formed from the core of guitarist Max Kakacek (ex-Smith Westerns) and singing drummer Julien Ehrlich (ex-Unknown Mortal Orchestra), to say that Whitney is more than the sum of it's parts would be a...
This legendary Band is the brainchild of Death Metal God Paul Speckmann, and they are truly a brutal onslaught. Over the last 30 years, their music has influenced anyone and everyone who made a name...
Publicist UK Advance release of two demo tracks from the band's forthcoming Relapse Records debut. Never Been to School will only appear physically on this 7"1. Slow Dancing to This Bitter Earth 2...