Legendary cult-filmmaker, William Castle (Strait-Jacket) directs this spooky horror comedy. A couple (Sid Caesar and Vera Miles) and their adolescent son (Barry Gordon) move into a quiet New England...
Two songwriters want to cast a British star in their new show. 1937 Ray Enright directed romance musical film starring Ruby Keeler, Lee Dixon, Allen Jenkins & a young Jane Wyman. The soundtrack...
A group of aspiring-and starving-young actors and actresses decides to pool their resources and share an apartment. Things begin to look up when a big-time Broadway producer moves into their building...
From their early days on radio to their first dance-floor-filling nights in ballrooms and on to Western swing glory, the story of Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys is traced here. Recollections from...
Wills,Viola Best Of Viola Wills CD1. Gonna Get Along Without You Now 2. House Is Not a Home 3. If You Could Read My Mind 4. Stormy Weather 5. This Moment of Love 6. No News Is News 7. There, But for...