2020 release. Logan Ledger's self-titled debut album matches his moody noir lyricism with a darkly toned take on country music, a sound that's stylistically wayward yet deeply grounded in classic...
Logan,Johnny Best Of Johnny Logan CD1. Hold Me Now 2. Stay 3. When Your Woman Cries 4. I'm Not in Love 5. Helpless Heart 6. Heartbroken Man 7. Living a Lie 8. Such a Lady 9. Love Letters 10. What's...
Saxophonist and composer Logan Strosahl has increasingly been involved in the myriad worlds of formal composition. His study of pre-1700's and contemporary composition has led his music far from his...
Martin,Logan Colorless CD1. Life Like This 2. Goin' Home 3. Sorry 4. Be Still 5. In Your Presence 6. Interlude 7. Colorless 8. All Over You 9. Way to Live 10. Taken 11. Here I Am 12. Colorless...