Good witch Cassie Nightingale (Catherine Bell) continues to cast an entertaining spell over viewers in this continuation of the charming made-for-TV movie series. Here, Cassie and her teen daughter...
Witch Hunters descend upon a small town and make a pact with the local priest to destroy a mysterious evil. What they don't realize, is the priest's dark and sinister past might be the cause behind...
The high school enchantress of Archie comics and cartoon fame comes to life in this fun-filled 1996-2003 ABC series. Sent to live with her eccentric aunts who inform her she's actually a half-witch,...
The modern world holds many secrets, but the most astounding secret of all is that witches still live amongst us; vicious supernatural creatures intent on unleashing the Black Death upon the world...
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters - DVD - Fifteen years after a horrific experience in a deceptively inviting ginger bread house, an orphan Hansel (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have...