Directed by Woody Allen, Whatever Works explores the relationship between a crotchety misanthrope, Boris (Larry David) and a nanve, impressionable young runaway from the south, Melody (Evan Rachel...
Comedian Bob Saget (TV's Full House) makes his feature film directorial debut with Dirty Work starring Saturday Night Live alums Norm MacDonald, Chevy Chase and Adam Sandler. Best friends Mitch (Norm...
FBI profiler Terry McCaleb almost always gets to the heart of a case. This time, that heart beats inside him. He's a cardiac patient who received a murder victim's heart. And the donor's sister asks...
With little respect for their superiors, and even less for the law, garbage collectors Charlie Sheen (Wall Street, Platoon) and Emilio Estevez (Young Guns, The Breakfast Club) have made trouble a way...
Virginia Woolf defied the false order of narrative conventions to depict a heightened, startling and poignant reality. Woolf Works recreates the synaesthetic collision ofform and substance in her...