In the 19th film of the franchise, James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) is once again pitted against Valentin Zukovsky (Robbie Coltrane), the Russian mobster from GoldenEye. Judi Dench returns as M and...
Jennifer Lopez delivers an electrifying performance as a new breed of action hero in director Michael Apted's harrowing, high-style thriller hit. Also starring Juliette Lewis. Includes: Jennifer...
A cross-training athlete on the path to becoming a pro tests her limits one afternoon by pursuing several world-records just as conflict from her dissolving marriage collides, threatening to derail...
A young woman's deception becomes her destiny. Scarlet Adams is a working class young lady who barely has time for her love life. However, when her mother calls to announce her impending visit to...
This film explores the meaning of conditional family love and the all-out drive to become successful at any cost. Lead character Camille James is an aspiring vocalist that is well on her way to fame...