Around the World, available on DVD, is presented with restored picture and remastered audio, following The Police on their first world tour in 1979-80. The film offers a jovial glimpse of the band as...
London UK - Chasing the Monsoon's eagerly anticipated debut album 'No Ordinary World' will be released on Sept 20th from Immrama Records, Plane Groovy and Gonzo Media. Ian Jones, a founder member of...
Chase This Light is the sixth studio album by American alternative rock band Jimmy Eat World, released on October 16, 2007 through Interscope. The album was executive produced by Butch Vig. The album...
Before Butch Walker produced and/or wrote for such huge acts as (gulp) Pink, Fall Out Boy, Avril Lavigne, Weezer, Green Day, Katy Perry, and (double gulp) Taylor Swift, he fronted this...