A groundbreaking chronicle of the Second World War culled from over 3,000 hours of high-definition, full-color film footage, this miniseries attracted over 21 million viewers during it's five-night, 10-hour run. With the glorious high definition visuals, full color film footage (no colorization techniques have been used) and immersive 5. 1 surround sound make WWII in HD stands out from the many dozens of documentaries that came before. The miniseries also offers a remarkably personal account of the war, as the episodes are told from the point of view of 12 soldiers whose never-before-seen diary entries (diaries were illegal for US soldiers to carry, but these men did so anyway) form the basis of the involving narrative. LL Cool J, Rob Lowe, Ron Livingston, Steve Zahn and many others give voice to these 12 soldiers, while acclaimed actor Gary Sinise wraps the whole production together with an engaging narration.
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