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Xenopocene means Alien Age. Some have theorized our current is the Anthropocene; however in an era where artificially generated and deep faked, what is terrestrial in origin vs u.f.o.? Daedelus' latest LP 'Xenopocene', inspired by their artist-in-residency with S.E.T.I. follows a timeline from an extraterrestrial first contact thru to 10k days hence and spiraling towards the nearest exoplanet 6,000+ years away. Attempting to parse out science informed fiction from the fact that in an unfathomable universe life exists outside our confines. Actually there are guidelines in place for receiving such a communication. In S.E.T.I.'s Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection (which first line reads "Declaration of Principles Concerning the Conduct of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence...") well measured steps from such an awesome event could almost be read as unexceptional. Hyperbole has little place in the sciences whereas music makes the most from. Daedelus across 11 tracks deftly deals with space inspired sounds pulling equally from Gustav Holst and Sun Ra as Alice Deejay and Amon Tobin. No techno-optimism here, ultimately this is Earth music made to dream upwards. Asking us to reckon with our humanity while daring us to envision a new epoch. Interlaced throughout are quavering violins by Vivek Menon. Featuring words from the singular R.A.P. Ferreira on "Starfire" and extra instrumentation from Eli Henry Goss of the Breathing Effect in "Float".
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