Hatsuki is a high-school student living with Hatsumi, and the two are so close they are aike sisters. ON Hatsumi's 16th birthday, she is suddenly surrounded by a green light and disappears right in...
Acting upon the last orders of Master Chiu Yen, the warrior Kwan searches for a magician who will unleash his hidden powers. Kwan needs these powers to battle against the assassin who killed Chiu Yen.
As a family returns home from vacation at the Grand Canyon, they innocently bring home a supernatural force that preys off their own fears and vulnerabilities, threatening to destroy them from...
The Man in the Hat journeys through France in a Fiat 500 accompanied by a framed photograph of an unknown woman. He is pursued by five angry men in a Citroen Dyane. Why are they chasing him and how...
Misael (John Leguizamo, John Wick) is imprisoned, waiting to be sentenced for a revenge crime against the man who killed his child. During his confinement, he must adapt to a new life of abuse. His...