Remember tells the story of Zev Guttman (Academy Award (R) Winner Christopher Plummer), a 90-year-old struggling with memory loss who is living out his final years in a serene retirement home. A week...
Denzel Washington, Will Patton, Nicole Ari Parker. This fact-based story about a newly-integrated Virginia high school football team in 1971. After their winning manager is demoted to an assistant,...
In this rare and informative program, Oistrakh plays scintillating and emotional performances of such works as the 'Intermezzo' movement from Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole (with piano), excerpts from...
Shaded under the shadows of a tall tree at the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery stands a statue of Dr. James Marion Sims, who spent almost two decades practicing medicine in the Montgomery area...
A lonely waitress (Alexis Bledel) becomes intrigued by a handsome jewelry-store clerk (Zachary Levi) who's lost his short-term memory. Since every day is a brand-new one for him, their touching, fun...