2018 release. From tragedy to triumph, Yob's incredible eighth full-length recording was conceived amidst dire circumstances that nearly left frontman Mike Scheidt dead. Suffering from an extremely...
Deluxe Remastered 10 Year Anniversary edition of Yob's Atma full-length. Yob have unveiled a fully remixed and remastered version of Atma. Atma (Deluxe Version) sees Billy Barnett make the album...
Relapse is proud to present the deluxe reissue of Yob's The Great Cessation. Originally released in 2009, the trio's 5th full length record is a master lesson in cosmic Doom. Epic, crushing, and...
Epic, crushing, and heavy beyond words, Yob has achieved legendary status over the last two decades with their unmatched aesthetic and incredible body of work. Now Elaborations of Carbon, the debut...