UK collection. South-West Louisiana is famous for it's homegrown music: the Cajun sound and it's black cousin Zydeco. However, situated between New Orleans and Houston, the region's music industry was ideally placed to also record local versions of soul, funk and blues. This compilation comprises high-quality Southern soul which, because of where it was recorded, tends to have been previously overlooked. The music here spans the early 60s, with artists such as Sticks Herman performing a local version of embryonic soul, and the early 1970s, when the influence of Memphis soul could be heard in the voices of Johnny Truitt and Moody (Scott). This is the sound of record men Eddie Shuler, Carol Rachou and J. D. Miller getting the best out of local talent and passing musicians and releasing timeless slices of pure musical emotion. Shuler's ANLA label is the main source, although the artist names are often hardly more than markers, with little known about some beyond the records they made. Terrie & Joy La Roy, Soul Shouting Tommy and Big Daddy Green, for example, all released thrilling singles, then disappeared back into obscurity. Others such as Camille "Lil" Bob carved out careers that lasted decades, whilst Bobby Charles moved from his pop hit 'Later Alligator' to Bearsville cult status via 'Big Boys Cry', a fine piece of emotional mid-60s soul. "You Gave Me Reason To Live" is a celebration of the exceptional music that can occur in the most out of the way places.
1. Baby Oh Baby (How Far Are You From Me) - Charles Greene 2. If ThereÆs A Will ThereÆs A Way ûIke Porter ; The Fabulations 3. Without Love What Would Life Be û 4. Terrie ; Joy La Roy With The Bill Parker Show Band 5. Groove Maker - Dynamic Adam ; His Excitements 6. Soul Woman - Camille ôLilö Bob 7. For The Good Times - Johnny Truitt 8. One ManÆs Happiness - Moody 9. Sea Of Love - Freddie Love 10. Our Love Will Always Be - Lee Bernard 11. Trust - Count RockinÆ Sidney With The Dukes 12. Why Did I Let You Go - Chester RandleÆs Soul Senders 13. You Gave Me Reason To Live - Big Daddy Green 14. Love For Love - Ike Porter ; The Fabulations 15. To Be Loved By You - Soul Shouting Tommy 16. Lonely Feeling - Sticks Herman 17. Big Boys Cry - Bobby Charles 18. If You Love Me - Clifton White ; His Royal Knights 19. On Bended Knees Begging - Big Daddy Green 20. Why I Shed So Many Tears û Terrie ; Joy La Roy With The Bill Parker Show Band 21. SheÆs Gone - Dynamic Adam 22. DonÆt Drive Me Deeper (Into The Ground) û Lee Bernard 23. Blues For Men - King Carl