These four groundbreaking, action-packed classics from 70s pop culture icon Billy Jack feature all of the fast-kicking, politically aware stories that had audiences cheering. Influencing action films...
In the distant past, a young warrior trained in the ways of the samurai returns home to free his people from the rule of the shape-shifting monster Aku. But their first battle ends when Aku sends the...
First, "That's Entertainment!" (1974) is an unforgettable collection of sequences from M-G-M's greatest musicals. Includes clips from "Anchors Aweigh," "Babes in Arms," "Gigi," "The Wizard of Oz,"...
First time on Blu-ray! During the time of the Great Japanese Civil War, the faithful samurai Yairo Torajima finds himself surrounded by an enemy army and certain death. At the moment of his impending...