Luca Zingaretti, Angelo Russo, Pepino Mazzotta. In the picturesque town of Vigata, Detective Salvo Montalbano crosses paths with all manner of devoted housewives, humble priests, liars and...
Detective Salvo Montalbano hasn't always been the seasoned and mature chief detective heading up the Vigata Police Department. He hasn't always lived in that glorious house by the sea, or been...
Detective Salvo Montalbano hasn't always been the seasoned and mature chief detective heading up the Vigata Police Department. He hasn't always lived in that glorious house by the sea, or been...
(In Italian with English Subtitles) Murder, betrayal, office politics, temptation... it's all in a day's work for Detective Salvo Montalbano. The series is filmed in the ancient, sun-washed Sicilian...