Yumi Zouma began as a project in 2013 between three friends from New Zealand. The songs were never intended to leave the machines they were composed on. In January 2014, their debut EP launched to...
Yumi Zouma's debut EP from 2014. The original tracklist has been expanded to also include the bonus track "It Feels Good To Be Around You (feat. Air France)" as well as instrumental versions.
Transparent Vinyl - Embossed Gatefold w/ Printed Jacket. Yumi Zouma, the collaborative long-distance project originally created between friends online, have been self-producing their infectious blend...
On March 13, 2020, Yumi Zouma's highly anticipated album, Truth or Consequences, was released. One day prior, the band played their first show of a fully sold-out US tour, at Washington, DC's DC9...