In a world divided between humans and hyper-intelligent, man-eating bears, Kureha attends an all-girls school and holds onto a simple wish-to spend the rest of her life with her classmate and soul...
Sometimes when you meet someone, you just know they're going to be interesting, but when 13-year-old Yasaka Hajime meets an older girl while staying at his grandfather's house for summer vacation, he...
Hayata, the Beta Capsule! It's the original 1966-67 "Ultraman" series, the UHF favorite in which ace pilot Hayata uses his Beta Capsule to become the giant alien superhero Ultraman, so that he and...
As the first of Japan's many "Ultra" programs, this imaginative adventure series sets a team of scientific experts against giant monsters that invade Tokyo (on a seemingly daily basis) and cause...